Vision Service Plan

We have partnered with VSP® Vision Care (VSP) for routine vision examinations and eye wear.

  • VSP administers claims processing and provides customer service for member and provider calls for all routine vision benefit information.

    • VSP Customer Service: 1 (800) 877-7195 or TDD 1 (800) 428-4833.

Identifying members

The member ID card includes the VSP phone number on the back so you can easily identify members with VSP coverage. When contacting VSP for benefit information, please use the nine-digit numeric member ID and the member suffix for the applicable patient.

Submitting vision claims

Please submit all routine vision claims (examination and eye wear) directly to VSP. Submit medical-related vision claims electronically with claims for your other BridgeSpan patients.

Note: When the purpose of an examination is routine, preventive or wellness, make sure to include the appropriate routine diagnosis code in the primary position to ensure proper claims processing. Medical diagnoses should not appear in the primary position for routine services.